Robert Cryer

A Life in Law 
and a Law unto himself


The official two day program of the conference.

Day 1 – June 29th 2023

11:00 – 11:30


  1. Lisa Webley:’Welcome speech by Head of Birmingham Law School’
  2. Marianne Wade: ‘Opening Session on Rob the Person’

11:30 – 13:00

Rob undisciplined

moderated by Gerry Simpson
  1. Rogier Bartel: IHL: ‘About First Loves or the Interplay Between International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law’
  2. Neil Boister: ‘The Distinction between Transnational and International Criminal law: the Absence of a General Part in Transnational Criminal Law’
  3. Geoff Gilbert: The Indivisibility of International, Transnational, and National Criminal Law in Fighting Impunity
  4. Elies van Sliedregt: ‘Selective International Criminal Justice’

13:00 – 13:45

Lunch Break

13:45 – 15:15

Rob in Tokyo

moderated by Neil Boister
  1. Mark Drumbl and Solange Mouthaan: ‘IMFTE, a Sequel’
  2. Sergey Vasiliev: Reflections forthcoming
  3. Kevin J Heller: Reflections forthcoming

15:15 – 15:30


15:30 – 17:00

Rob in the Classroom

moderated by Adrian Hunt
  1. Martin George and James Lee: ‘Cryer, et seq. Reflections on Scholarship and Collegiality’
  2. Raphael Oidtmann: ‘Legal Education by Proxy – Rob Cryer’s Impact on Past and Future Generations of Law Students’
  3. Stefano Malpassi and Diego Mauri: ‘The Effective Legal Teacher – A Reflection on the Utility of Humour, Laughter and other Learning Techniques in the Italian system’

17:00 – 19:00

Memorial Event hosted by Rob’s Family

with toast by Adrian Hunt, at The Bratby Bar



at the Edgbaston Park Hotel

Day 2 – June 30th 2023

9:30 – 11:00

Rob in War

moderated by Mark Drumbl
  1. Emma Breeze: Of Friendship and War: Obligations of Friends under IHL 
  2. David Turns: “Not Just Another Book Review” – Chronicle of the Law Foretold 
  3. Stoyan Panov: Prosecuting International Crimes: The Investigation and Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression 
  4. Gavin Byrne: The Origin of the Faeces

11:00 – 11:15


11:15 – 12:00


led by Gerry Simpson

12:00 – 12:30

Lunch Break

12:30 – 14:00

Rob beyond Space and Place

moderated by Isobel Roele
  1. Agnieszka Jachec-Neale: ‘Diving into Noise and Bringing a Clear Melody’
  2. Shagufta Sen: Prosecuting International Crimes: The Investigation and Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression 
  3. Nandor Knust: Crime in a Stateless Space: Maritime Crime Control and Security Law
  4. Mariangela La Manna: This is not a Déjà-Vu. A Fictional Conversation with Robert Cryer on ‘The Gentle Civilizer of Nations

14:00 – 14:15


14:15 – 15:45

Rob in Britain

moderated by Javier Eskauriatza
  1. Theresa Lynch: Moshing, Consent and Crime
  2. Alexander Orakhelashvili: Laws of War as Part of English Law
  3. Adrian Hunt: Individual Criminal Responsibility for Collective/large scale Criminality in the Law of England & Wales
  4. Andrew Sanders: Law, Policy and Humanity: the Case of Assisted Dying


Gazing Ahead

Closing Comments by Mark Drumble


Participating Speakers in the order of the schedule.

Day 1 – June 29th 2023

Prof Geoff Gilbert

Essex Law School

Prof Elies van Sliedregt

Tilburg Law School

Prof Mark Drumbl

Washington & Lee University

Prof Solange Mouthaan

Warwick Law School

Dr Sergey Vasiliev

University of Amsterdam

Prof Kevin Jon Heller

University of Copenhagen

Dr Adrian Hunt

Birmingham Law School

Prof James Lee

Kings College London

Prof Martin George

City University of London

Raphael Oidtmann

Brown University

Dr Stefano Malpassi

University of Ferrara

Dr Diego Mauri

University of Florence

Day 2 – June 30th 2023

Prof Gerry Simpson

LSE Law School

Prof Elies van Sliedregt

Tilburg Law School

Dr Emma J Breeze

Birmingham Law School

Dr David Turns

Cranfield University

Dr Stoyan Panov

University College Freiburg

Dr Gavin Byrne

Birmingham Law School

Dr Isobel Roele

Queen Mary University

Dr Agnieszka Jachec-Neale

Staffordshire University

Shagufta Sen

University of Delhi

Prof Nandor Knust

The Arctic University of Norway

Dr Mariangela La Manna

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

Prof Javier Eskauriatza

University of Nottingham

Prof Theresa Lynch

University of Birmingham

Dr Alexander Orakhelashvili

Birmingham Law School

Prof Andrew Sanders

University of Warwick


List of venues hosting Events.

University House

University of Birmingham
116 Edgbaston Park Rd
Birmingham B15 2TY

Lecture Theatre 1

Arts Building

University of Birmingham
53 Edgbaston Park Rd
Birmingham B15 2RS

Bratby Bar

University of Birmingham
116 Edgbaston Park Rd
Birmingham B15 2TY

Edgbaston Park Hotel

University of Birmingham
Birmingham B15 2TS